My little brother Graduated!!!
So, for those family members that ever wonder why I am so crazy...Take a look at the faces in this picture for example. Me, I look like I am "in the zone", Gary looks like he has never seen a camera before, My mom is trying to explain how the camera works, My step dad looks like he just got caught with a coffee and then there is my brother...yeah. Can't wait for a family reunion...
Don't know what else to say about this picture except for "AHHHH giant baby head!"
Now the family is starting rub off on me. I think my wife is being caught trying to hide.
Oh yeah, the whole point of this post. Here is my brother shortly after he graduated with a friend of his or not or something. High school relationships are/were difficult. Anyways it was a good picture even though her eyes were red and the fact that it says it is November when it was really June. But on the bright side it will be fun to talk about years from now when I am senile and can say "See back in my day we used to graduate in November", not that it would make any sense anyway.
Funny Story:
So awhile back when Caleb had just turned about a year old, Brayden was playing with him in their room. Santa had brought Brayden this toy that you sit on and ride around on that looks like a rocketship. It has a few buttons that when pushed say things like "Let's go retro!" and "Ready..3..2..1..BLASTOFF!" Well I guess the two of them were fighting over it and Brayden had decided to pick up said rocketship and fire it on over to Caleb's vector. Thank goodness his trajectory was off and it sailed harmlessly into the wall creating a divot. Enter Renee;
Mom: (in a stern motherly voice) "Brayden you cannot throw toys period! You could have hit Caleb and hurt him!"
Brayden: "Geez Mom, it's just a rocket ship"
The fact that the tone of his voice was like it as no big deal made the situation an instant classic.