Where's Tyler part 2
This time he is only on a part of the couch with a shirt on!Investigative reports
So much for the shirt.
Would you please look at the camera and put a shirt on. At least he's off the couch.
I give up!
10:51 AM Posted by Delaney
This time he is only on a part of the couch with a shirt on!Investigative reports
So much for the shirt.
Would you please look at the camera and put a shirt on. At least he's off the couch.
I give up!
1:27 PM Posted by Delaney
So the wife asked me "How come there are hardly any pictures of Tyler?" Well here by request they are. I was trying to hold out for some better pictures but the natives are restless...
I started developing a theory about his pictures. They all seem to fall into about three categories;
Blocked/looking other direction
No shirtCouch
Couch and no shirt!
Hey let's take a picture! Quick look the other way!
Oh two categories again, couch and no shirt.
So I guess he pretty much walks around from couch to couch with no shirt on according to these pictures. I'll have to make a second post just to clear things up...
8:42 AM Posted by Delaney
This was a cold fall day, but it was sunny out so it looked deceptively warm. I went outside and promptly came back in to add some layers. I thought it was a good day to let the kids go outside and take some photos. Here is Caleb in his winter hat. Ever seen a kid so happy? I think it's the silly hat that is seeping silliness into his melon.
Brayden and Caleb both like to do the "Superman" on the swing. I still can't figure out why they don't use them the conventional way.
Brayden on the trampoline...Funny I just realized we call it the Tramp. "Hey kids want to go outside and jump on the tramp?". I guess that's how rumors start.
All tuckered out from jumping on the prostitute...
Caleb coming over to correct the paparazzi...."No pictures please!"
Instead of a funny story, I thought I would explain Caleb's nick name for those who don't know.
His name of course is Caleb, and when he used to be babysat by a particular individual she would call him Kolib. Now we never tried to outright say his name phonetically to her but we would say things like "Come on CALEB, let's go home. Say good bye CALEB. Say thank you CALEB." Anyway after a few times of this I kind of got frustrated and couldn't figure out why she kept calling him Kolib.
I remember talking to Renee about it in the car and kind of poking fun at the situation by saying "Geez why doesn't she just start calling him Kolorabi (the vegetable) or Calamari".
So we started calling him Colobari (call-a-bar-ee), A hybrid of the two aforementioned.
This was short lived since he started to drop things and began making noises that sounded like "Uh-oh Bo Bo" We later figured out that he was trying to imitate Renee when she would say Uh-oh Spaghetti-o's".
So we started calling him Bo-Bo.
There you go.
Okay I'll stop now fo' sho'.
Alright no mo'.
1:05 PM Posted by Delaney
So I thought I would take a break and post some pics of my favorite funny things I have found over time.This reminds me of what my kids would do if they saw me on the back of a milk carton.
Pretty much the cat we adopted
My special way of showing you all how much I love you guys
Why I do not play in my children's toys
Yes my brother is special...
On with the funny story.
This one happened yesterday...
So Brayden has not been feeling well lately and I went upstairs to check on him around 7 pm since he had been sleeping for about 3 hours. As I approached the bed he woke up and started to tell me that he wanted to wake up and go down stairs. As I picked him up he said that he needed some carrots. Now I thought this was very surprising and it became very clear to me just how sick he was. Imagine a kid asking for vegetables. So I inquired why he wanted carrots, he told me so they would help his eyes. It took me a second but then I realized his eyes were adjusting to the light because he had just woke up, but at any rate I took him up on his offer to have carrots which unfortunately lasted to about the bottom of the stairs when he asked for pop tarts.
Ah well, can't win 'em all I guess.
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