Brayden Fishing

1:58 PM Posted by Delaney

WE bought Brayden his first fishing pole for his birthday this year. He would not stop asking me if we could go fishing. I think he seriously asked me about a dozen times in an hour. He was totally stoked to go, so I took him down to Nolte state park and let him cast a few times before it started raining.
he was actually very cautious to not fall in the water or lose a lure.
This of course is after a few drinks...

Time for another post

9:44 AM Posted by Delaney

Well as most of you know I recently had my wisdom teeth pulled so again I am slacking...Caleb, however is excited for another fascinating post full of excitement, thrills and joy. I guess I need to throw out the call for help on my post as well. I can't seem to post more than 5 pictures at a time. Does anyone know how to post more than just 5? Any way the following pics are from Brayden and Caleb's birthday party.
Caleb enjoying his cake. Which prompts me to a familiar question. Why do my kids (Tyler and Caleb) never have shirts on?
Sugar rush setting in from his diet Coke/cake/bubbles.
HOLY CRAP! Tyler has a shirt on!!!! No, I do not know why Alex is wearing a wig...
Well party is over. Time to take out the baby and give the trash a something along those lines.