The Explanation

3:09 PM Posted by Delaney

Well in my last post I posted a few unflattering pics of the kids. I guess one would reserve those for the shredder but alas I always find a use for all.
So the story goes...
We were on our way to a family birthday party for my side of the family. Renee thought it would be nice if we could stop at a park somewhere and take few pictures for grandma and great-grandma.
And then it started with this...
First Caleb was not feeling well and we drug him out of the car anyway. Smile!
Then we decided to take Caleb out all together, maybe just the three...
Tyler:"But mom I am hungry!"
Ohhhh look at this priceless pic. So cute, I wish all picture safari's went this well.
Here is the next try after some rather encouraging words to let them know that this is supposed to be a present for the Grandma's.
And now finally we have reached defcon 5. Tyler has developed narcolepsy, Brayden has developed epilepsy, Alex is trying to burn a hole in the camera with her eyes and Caleb well I think he's just pissed.
However my wife's toe is hot!

Getting even...

10:46 AM Posted by Delaney

It's fun being a parent but not neccesarrily an adult...
Time for some photos that should be great enough to embarrass the best of them.Brayden: I'm crushing your head, crushing, crushing
Alex and her friend Mia; yeah cool...
Oh did you "borrow" the camera? Yeah, cool.
That's hot, I hope tons of boys see this...
For those out there wondering
"Gee what would make a father post such degrading pics on the internet that ruin-my-life-make me-want-to-jump-into-a-valcano-rip-my-toenails-out-with-a-pair-of-pliers type of pics?"
Well just check out the next post....

More pics to satisfy the natives

7:57 AM Posted by Delaney

I found some more pics from the family birthday and a picture of Alex and Tyler's first day of school.Uncle Matt, Tyler and Mollie. Amazing a three for one; Uncle Matt smiling, Tyler with a shirt on and Mollie sitting still for a pic.
Andrew, always keeping an eye out ;-)
Brayden looking like he got caught red handed eating something he should not.
Caleb here (I think) is upset Brayden opened his present. His mannerisms and facial expressions crack me up.
Alex and Tyler on their first day of school. I am trying to find out why kids get up so early for their first day of school and get all put together. It's funny how they then realize by day two it is no different then all of last year and it's right back to getting ready and out the door in five minutes. Oh well I do the same for work...

Funny story
So I know I haven't shared in a while but to be honest only the really funny ones make it on here. At the risk of embarrassment for myself I'll share this one.
So I was watching some cartoons with the kids down stairs and I let one rip (nothing new there) and Brayden happened to come running into the room and jumped on my lap. Of course with my sick humor I was patiently waiting to see how long it took him to smell the rotten deed that had just occurred. After a moment he turns around and says ( I kid you not)
"Dad you stink! You smell like a rotten BBQ'd sandwich!"
I laughed so hard I thought I was going to die.

Another kewl blog

11:51 AM Posted by Delaney

These pics are from the Family birthday not long ago. I know this is a quick one with not much commentary, but I promise the next will return to old form.
Around our house you ain't kewl unless the sun always shinesMr. Caleb with his stunna shades.
Aunt Wee-sah with little miss Mollie...
Uncle Matt with miss Mollie (I think)
Miss Megan with Hailey

All the kids minus the triplets, I'd be happy too with all those presents.