Dinner with Uncle Tim and Aunt Heather

1:27 PM Posted by Delaney

Back in Early October we were invited over to dinner at Tim & Heather's house. Some pretty good eats and interesting pictures to say the least. Above is Megan and Hailey, enjoying their time in the limelight.
Little miss Hailey hamming it up for the camera...
Uncle Matt hard at work...
Hailey looks like she got caught red handed...not sure of what yet.
Aunt Weesah getting her time in with Hailey, she must of snuggled her shoulder for a good 1/2 hour.
Don't worry this is a mega post no need to protest!
I love this picture. Collin has this look on his face as if he doesn't really believe what his dad is reading to him.
Caleb, in a much better mood.
Andrew on lock down.
Synchronized floor routine, proudly brought to you by Megan and Brayden.

And now for a short story, that well is funny to me but not something I should have laughed at.
The other week Brayden approached myself and Alex. He was carrying around Tyler's ipod with solitaire running. He asked me if I could play it for him, but I declined. Alex piped up and asked if she could play it with/for him. Brayden being inquisitive asked if she was any good. The following conversation took place;
Alex: Of course I am, I very good.
Brayden: Better than Tyler?
Alex: Yes.
Brayden: Better than Mommy?
Alex: Yes.
Brayden: Better than Daddy?
Alex: Well, maybe not as good as Dad.
Brayden: So Daddy can beat you?
Alex: Well I guess, yeah.
Brayden: So your a loser!
I died, he seemed to have set her up from the beginning.


Anonymous said...

Love the new pics!