My little brother Graduated!!!

10:42 AM Posted by Delaney

So, for those family members that ever wonder why I am so crazy...Take a look at the faces in this picture for example. Me, I look like I am "in the zone", Gary looks like he has never seen a camera before, My mom is trying to explain how the camera works, My step dad looks like he just got caught with a coffee and then there is my brother...yeah. Can't wait for a family reunion...
Don't know what else to say about this picture except for "AHHHH giant baby head!"
Now the family is starting rub off on me. I think my wife is being caught trying to hide.
Oh yeah, the whole point of this post. Here is my brother shortly after he graduated with a friend of his or not or something. High school relationships are/were difficult. Anyways it was a good picture even though her eyes were red and the fact that it says it is November when it was really June. But on the bright side it will be fun to talk about years from now when I am senile and can say "See back in my day we used to graduate in November", not that it would make any sense anyway.

Funny Story:

So awhile back when Caleb had just turned about a year old, Brayden was playing with him in their room. Santa had brought Brayden this toy that you sit on and ride around on that looks like a rocketship. It has a few buttons that when pushed say things like "Let's go retro!" and "Ready..3..2..1..BLASTOFF!" Well I guess the two of them were fighting over it and Brayden had decided to pick up said rocketship and fire it on over to Caleb's vector. Thank goodness his trajectory was off and it sailed harmlessly into the wall creating a divot. Enter Renee;
Mom: (in a stern motherly voice) "Brayden you cannot throw toys period! You could have hit Caleb and hurt him!"
Brayden: "Geez Mom, it's just a rocket ship"
The fact that the tone of his voice was like it as no big deal made the situation an instant classic.

Birthday party at Deep Lake

9:28 AM Posted by Delaney

We were invited to go to a birthday party at a friend of ours. This is Jenna , Brayden's self proclaimed girlfriend.Here are the two of them playing in the water on a hot summer day.
It was a great day to be here. Usually on a hot day, the park has tons of people. I remember there only being a couple other families there that day. Maybe it was because the party was on a Weekday, I can't remember.
Brayden enjoying a cupcake..
In fact he is enjoying it so much I think he is actually trying to eat his own hand..nomnomnom.

I just realized that I forgot to do a funny story last time. Oh well.
I don't know how funny this is going to be, because it was a "had to be there" kind of story.
We were at Church for a meeting. Renee was helping out in the nursery watching kids for the meeting. Brayden told her that he had to go to the bathroom, so she flagged me down and had me take him. As we walked in he said he had to go poop. So off to the stall we went and prepared the throne with a gasket and sat him down. Instead he went pee and said "all done!" Now after several times of this in the past I always ask "are you sure?" "Yep" was the reply, so I took him back to the nursery.
About 5 minutes later Renee calls me over again and says that I need to take him to the bathroom again because he has to go poop. Well of course partially annoyed I said " I just took him and he said he didn't have to go". Renee simply made a hand waving gesture in front of her nose and said "yes he does".
So I grab his hand and ask him "Do you have to go poop this time?"
He replies "yeah, I guess. I farted and it didn't stink, but everybody else told me it did."
It was a good thing I was in church cause I almost died laughing, would have been a short trip for the funeral.

Brayden's First Birthday

8:43 AM Posted by Delaney

This was a funny day...Here is Mr. B all prepped and ready to eat his very own...
Oh baby, that cake is bigger than him!
It was a finding Nemo cake, he started using the plastic fish as a spoon. So resourceful.
"No words can describe how I feel"

After a quick bath and a rigorous present opening session, he becomes a deer in headlights.
It's a shame we haven't posted these pictures before. I have so many of all the kids. It is a challenge to actually post them and stop reminiscing about the days gone by.

Brayden's second birthday

10:22 AM Posted by Delaney

We had this little get together at our old neighbor's house. I have to say we really miss our old neighbor's the Champ's. They just don't make them like they used to.Here's Brayden opening one of his presents. Look at the excitement...I wish I could feel like that on Monday mornings.
Funny, I think this is the first time he really understood the excitement behind getting presents. I remember the first year he didn't really "get it".
Of course there are always draw backs, like running out of presents.

It is key to keep your cool and show how to deal with the classic "face palm". When words fail to describe how you really feel, this position works best.

Yet another installment of funny kid stories.
Well today I decided that I would rather post a mannerism for Caleb since he can't really talk but has done his fair share of hilarious antics. Lately he has been picking up some words. We taught him how to say "eye" and knows where it is. The only problem is he begins to point to various points on your face and says "eye" over and over again.
The other thing he likes to say is "What's this?" although it sounds more like "whu-sis?". It is entertaining to watch him go through his toys and say it over and over again.

Random Ice Cream Trip

2:50 PM Posted by Delaney

I can't seem to remember when we did this...So many good pictures, I just couldn't pass them up.
It's funny how the kids resmeble zombies when they have an ice cream cone... mmm brains!
This picture says a lot about the power of sweets and normally hostile situations. This is a picture from the field where Tyler practices for football.
I'll have to post a couple videos and pictures from Alex and Tyler's football and cheer seasons.
As for today's kid story.
Brayden saw Renee drinking coffee one morning...
Brayden: "Mommy I don't want to be flat"
Renee: "Oh, from drinking coffee, you mean fat."
Brayden:"No, No FLAT. You member you told Tyler if he drinks your coffee he will be flat?"
Renee: "OOh! you mean short?"
Brayden: "Yeah short like you."
Nice, I love my kids.

So many pictures...

9:52 AM Posted by Delaney

These pictures are from a carshow that we just happened to go to in our near by town called Maple Valley. Every year they have a celebration called Maple Valley Days.This is the lovely Alex next to an old roadster. I still feel nervous when they get that close.
Brother and Sister actually standing next to each other (gasp) smiling.
Are they...yes...yes they are, they are actually touching! I wish all days could be like this.
Mt. Rainer from our backyard.
I can't imagine living anywhere else when you get to see this kind of beauty almost everyday.

On with the kid story...
This one is actually from the other day.

Brayden was playing with Caleb and for some reason Brayden decided he would stick his finger in Caleb's mouth. Well you can guess what happened next...(chomp). So after my blood curdles I pick up Brayden and began consoling him and telling him it's not a good idea to do that.
A day goes by and Brayden remembers a time when Caleb was a baby and he bit his toes and made him cry, impressed by his memory I said "Wow, you remember that?" Brayden said "well yes, I 'member when I made his toe bleed". I told him that was a time when he didn't really know better and that he apologized and made it better. So I continued on "So how are your fingers feeling?" He replies "Well, they are still kinda hurting...He really has some teeth going on in there." His expressions and vocabulary constantly surprise me.

Thanksgiving at Grandma's

2:35 PM Posted by Delaney

A rare moment of sharing between brother and sister
Caleb is certainly enjoying Great-Grandpa's company
Told you he was a basket case...
I just told him his dad went to college...

As for today's story...
Well this is an old one.
Renee and I had just went to the store and bought some pistachio's, you know the ones that have the red shell. Anyway Alex and Tyler both tried them out and didn't care much for them, but found it interesting that I was packing them away. I was putting the shells in a bowl and Alex had an idea, unbeknown to me. So she started helping me by jamming nut after nut into my mouth until finally I said "Alright I can't have anymore I'll explode". But before I could finish she quickly left the room. I of course being the intuitive person that I am thought nothing of this.
The next day I opened up the refrigerator to find a paper towel wadded up and held together with at least half a roll of scotch tape. Again my curiosity got the best of me and I picked it up. Suddenly the paper towel started to soak up what was beneath, a lovely dark red. So at this point I am starting to freak out thinking "who the heck covers a cereal bowl of blood with paper towels?" is someone practicing voo-doo? No it was just all the pistachio shells from the day before with water. I look over at Alex and say "What is this for?" and she replies in very non chalant tone "Paint".
Just when you think your garbage is safe...

10:00 AM Posted by Delaney

Reasons why we love our kids and countryThis is the view from our backyard. For those who do not live around here, yes the sun does sometimes come out and you can see the mountain.
Look Caleb found a new swimming hole. I have to admit this is his crappiest picture yet.
Looks like he is so peaceful...
I think he realizes his foot is getting stuck...

On with today's story...
When Alex and Tyler were younger they used to take baths together. At the time I believe they were 6 and 4. Renee had just finished up washing them and they were playing in the bathtub with their toys. I think Renee was putting the dirty clothes in the laundry and I was watching the Mariner's game (yeah, typical I know).
after about 5 minuets I hear this scream followed by a EWWWWW!. So being the good parent I am (mostly curiosity, which in fact killed a cat once) made my way over to the bathroom. In route I hear "Tyler peed in the bathtub!" So I poke my head in the bathroom and see that Alex has decided to exact revenge for Tyler's foul play. She has placed her bottom on top of Tyler's head and is now attempting to release the flood gates upon his melon. Of course I am dying laughing....So I do want any responsible parent does and leaves them to their own devices while laughing through a covered mouth and trying to summon Renee.
Ahh good times, good times.

8:47 AM Posted by Delaney

Another daily installment of photosBuckle you seat belts and hang on for another exciting post...
This year we went on a train ride in a small town called Mineral. The website was great, it had wonderful pictures of the scenery and trains. For the price of the tickets and mention of a dinner train car, and the 4 hour excursion, we thought it was close to luxury. Unfortunately it looked as if the floors might rot out at any time, no heat in the middle of December, and 2 and a half hours of switching tracks is what we got...Oh well at least we had time to spend with each other. Look how excited Alex is to accept my hug.
Couple of basket case kids...
This year Brayden and I built a snowman...Bob was here.
The train ride was indeed interesting, I would not recommend it in the winter. I know they have open cars, so that might be fun in the summer. I just wish would would have done a little more riding rather than sitting.

On with today's story...
A few years ago Tyler came home from school and asked us for some money. Naturally we asked what it was for, below is a transcript of what I can remember of the conversation.
Tyler: Mom, Dad can I have some money?
Mom: What for?
Tyler: It's for a party at school.
Dad: What kind of party? Is it someones birthday?
Tyler: No, it's a salami party.
Mom: A salami party, what kind of party is that?
Tyler: You know for all the people that got hurt?
Dad: (thoroughly confused at this point) What are you talking about?
Alex: (at this point she knows what he is trying to say but has clearly understood that Tyler misheard what the money was being asked for) He means a Tsunami.
so at this point I am dying laughing...
So you want us to donate money for the Tsunami victims right?
Tyler: Yes...

The look on his face was priceless because I think he still thought there was a chance for a Salami party...

9:07 AM Posted by Delaney

Well since I am so far behind I guess I will start with some pics from ChristmasOddly enough we stopped at a local fruit stand to buy our tree this year. They had this little picture spot set up so we decided to take a impromptu picture. Too bad Caleb was asleep.
At Christmas time we all tend to go a little crazy...
Sure we all start out normal...
But by the end we want to cram a tree up an angel's... or just eat it.
Of course some of us are just too cute for our own good.
As I was waiting for 45 min. for these to post I thought of a good story that happened to me the other day.
I had brought the kids to Alex's baseball game the other day and Caleb was throwing a fit. I was trying to patient with him but he was really wearing on me. I started noticing people were looking at me quite odd since I had a look of dismay upon my face. I couldn't quite figure out why people were staring at me.
Well, Alex's game started and she was wearing shorts. I noticed she had what looked like bruises all over her legs. I remembered she had gone to a birthday party and let her friends color all over her legs. I started to put two and two together and realized those people thought I had (possibly) did this to my daughter. Of course they colored in lovely shades of purple, blue, yellow and red.
To make matters worse I looked over at Tyler, who had decided to wear his play pants, which are all kinds of messed up. He hadn't combed his hair, and he looked like he was fresh off the street.
On top of that Caleb recently climbed on top of Tyler's dirtbike when it was still hot a burned his leg. So he was bandaged up... No wonder people stare...
Anyway I will try and upload some more tomorrow.